Monday, March 2, 2009


Heyy Guyz, here are the most frequently asked questions that are being asked around PC:

Q: How do I become a Beta Tester?
Sorry Guys, but you can't become a Beta Tester because PC Beta is over. Sorry!

Q: How do I trade items with another player?
Click on someones player card, and at the bottom there will be a button with two arrows, one blue and one yellow. Just click on them and you will trade with that player.

Q: How do I add a friend to my buddy list?
Click on a players player card, and the first button on the bottom will say something like "Add Friend." Just click on that and they will be send a request to be buddies with you.

Q: I have too many buddies, how do I stop getting requests?
On the botton left corner of your screen, there will be a little wheel thingy where there are alot of buttons. The very last one, the one with the three jewels, is the one you want. Click on that and a little pop-up will appear on your screen. There will be some tick boxes and you need to tick the one that says "Block Buddy Requests." Then you will no longer recieve any buddy requests anymore at all.

Hope this helps!


Advertise Your Awesome Blog Here!

Heyy Guyz. Here, you can comment and advertise your blog so people can follow the link and you will get more comments, views, poll participants and more! Here are some of MY favourite blogs that I would like you share with you:

Visit those sites and comment to get your site advertised and more popular! Anywayz, BYE!


Calling all People with Blogs!

Heyy Guyz, I am constantly being asked whether there is going to be pets for non members, so if you have a site, I would really appreciate it if you read the below message and post on your blog what I have written about the pets and what we could do to help. I want this to show up on alot of blogs so then more and more people will do it and then there will be pets for non members if we are lucky! So get typing, get advertising and get OUT! Jk jk jk jk! Don't leave me! Lolz. So please do what I ask and spread this news around on all of your fantastic blogs. Anywayz, BYE!


New Updates!

Heyy Guyz, just a note to say that there are some new updates on PC and my Blog. First of all, now on PC you have badges! There are many badges like the Ambassodor, Newbie and much, much more! Also, there are a few new pieces of clothing out in the clothing shop so save up all of your cazmo coinz and visit the clothing shop NOW! With my blog, have you noticed that I got a flag counter? The website is awesome, you can make your own customised flag counter so you know how many viewers you have on your site from different countries! Just visit and make a flag counter today! AWESOME! Lolz. Anywayz, those are the new updates. Oh yeah, there is also a new pet, the Razor Pony. Sorry, pets are only for members which I'm sorry about because I'm not a member myself! This is what you could do to solve this problem: Ok, in the PC newspaper, there are a few different sections. Go to the "Suggestions Box" and fill in one or more of the boxes shown. There are some Questions like "What would you like to see more of on Planet Cazmo?" and "Other Suggestions" where you could type what you think. If enough people do it, maybe they will bring in non member pets!

Anywayz, BYE!
