Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cazmo Cadets

Heyy Guyz, this is the costume you will recieve if you pass the Cadet Quiz. Cool, eh? The only problem I have found is that the girls don't have any hair when you wear the hat, even though it shows hair in that picture. Anywayz, i'm a Cadet, and I think that it shows great responsibility if you are chosen. I would strongly recommend taking the quiz cause it's all worth it in the end. Just note: Don't be a spoil sport, reporting every single little thing cause some things just don't matter that much. Anywayz, BYE!


New Site Launched!

Heyy Guyz, I just launched a new site! There is a link on the title of this post so click on that to view my new blog. It is a Club Penguin blog so yeah, it's different. Please visit it as I only made it like 1 minute ago! Lolzzzy. Anywayz, BYE!
