Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Guyz, i'm really sad right now. My PC bestie, MikaylaMiss, got mad at me when I was on my blog for too long and I took too long and I didn't have tim to talk even though we had such a funny convo together and you guyz who have blogs know how hard it is to keep it up to date, don't you? It just kinda makes me... *cries*... DEPRESSED! Mikayla, if you just HAPPEN to be reading this, I am sorry and your a great friend, but I also need to do other things. Anyway, I was publishing the convo we had on this site and it was a pretty big convo so yeah, you should be able you see that you are a WONDERFUL person, and I wouldn't want to do ANYTHING to hurt you, or make you sad. :( Guyz, I gtg cry in my bedroom. Bye.

~Pacific... sorry, too sad to finish.~


  1. hey can you visit my wesite?

  2. please visit my site its called ( )

  3. Sure Rheid, of COURSE i'll visit ur site. Thanks!


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