Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New Game and Updates!

Heyy Guyz, there is now a new game, Vote-o-Rama! Basically, it is just a simple game of 'Would you Rather.' It is kinda fun becaise you choose which scenario you would rather be in. Also, you can seggest your own quotes so basically, you're playing a game that YOU made! Now, time for the updates part: EITHER ME OR SARA08 IS GOING TO BECOME AN AMBASSADOR! I'm really pumped because we got an email saying that we were selected to be part of the PCAP, but we are not currently sure which one of us it's for. We know that it was sent April 3rd, and we also know that many people were asked around that time. If you know anything about this, please tell me anything you know that could become helpful if I DO get embassy. Thanks!


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