Saturday, March 14, 2009

Cazmo Cadets! (Do YOU Have What it Takes?)

Heyy Guyz, I got some AWESOME news! There are now CAZMO CADETS! This is something that everyone can enjoy and it is basically the same as being an AMBASSADOR! It is really cool! Here are the instructions:
  1. Go to the newspaper and take the quiz (link on the front page)
  2. Take the quiz by answering 'true' or 'false' to all of the 10 questions asked
  3. You must get at least 9 out of 10 to become a Cazmo Cadet
  4. If you got more than 1 wrong, just exit and do it again straight away!
  5. If you pass the quiz, you will get a COSTUME put into your inventory!
  6. You will be told the rest!

Also, here are some tips:

  1. Study around Planet Cazmo because you will be asked questions like "Smudgy works at the garage - True or False?
  2. Don't make fake reports, if you do, your elite badge will be taken away.
  3. If you need to report one of your buddies, there is a report button on your buddy list now so you can instintly report a buddy of yours that has done something wrong.
  4. THIS IS IMPORTANT! Do NOT step into the middle of a problem or try to sort it out yourself - Just report them and a moderator or an ambassador will sort things out.
  5. Patrol around daily - Looking for trouble basically.

OK, so that is some help that I will give you. Unfortunately, I cannot give you answers to the quiz cause that will be cheating! Anywayz, BYE!


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