Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pacificsilver PC

Heyy Guyz. Just wanna say thanks for visiting my blog and if ur my buddy; thanks for everything u guyz have done for me! If you see me on Planet Cazmo, my username is Pacificsilver and I go on the server Beatstreet, usually in the town square or club. see you there!

P.S: Just keep in mind that if ANYONE says anything rude or hurtful to you, please report them straight away!


1 comment:

  1. Every single one of my buddies is thanked for being kind to me, helping me when i'm sad, and for everything u guyz have done for me. Plus, for the moderators, WElL DONE!


Please no rude or offensive words, I will not let you comment anymore if you do say anything rude whatsoever.